I've been playing with the 2.4.0 kernel scince you gave me the patch for
the alphas...  

What I have found is that it tends to randomly hang...
No Panic, no OOPs, no nothing...
The machine is a PC164, Which falls under the EB164 class.
It exhibits this behaviour on both the "generic" and "eb164" cpu types
{compile option}  It doesn't even boot compiled as pc164..
I'm also seeing this problem on my A/S 4100, "Rawhide"..

My current working kernel is 2.2.18, and I am going to start playing with
the 2.4.1

Sometimes it hangs on boot {while loading network daemons} and sometimes
it will boot fine, and I will be doing a compile or something and it will
just hang...

What kind of info can I send you to help troubleshoot this more?



"Grasshopper always wrong in argument with chicken"

The "socratic approach" is what you call starting an argument by
asking questions.

The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it 
ceases taking itself so seriously.

                                        PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA

                Published by POEE Head Temple - San Francisco
                      " On The Future Site of Beautiful
                             San Andreas Canyon"

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