A little utility (needing supporting kernel system call) that took a process id as input then dumps to stdout the total hardware stack supporting every handle currently open to that process -- would be very nice. If it already exists please let me know and forgive the newbie mistake.

Please consider a whether a new member of the family open/close/seek/read/write/ioctl is in order, whether its own call or a new systemwide ioctl. The main need is to provide a reliable way to know the make/model/serial#" of each element of the hardware stack supporting an open handle managed by local devices and drivers. Seems all I can find are a pastiche of sporadically implemented IOCTL calls that vary depending on the nature of the device (e.g. try to get the serial number of an arbitrary USB device given an open handle, for instance) , or really code-maintenance uber-unfriendly invitations to recover and parse filename paths, cope with links, then rummage about in /proc /sys and dmesg.

So, something like:

handle = open("any file or device here",O_YourChoiceHere);
read_hardware_chain(handle,char *buffer,int buffersize);

Upon successful return "buffer" would contain one line for each bit of physical technology used to provide access to handle.

"Vendor-lowest level","Model-lowest-level","Serial-lowest-level","/sys/full-path-to-most-specific-info"\n

for example: handle=open("USB device X",O_RDONLY); read_hardware_chain(handle,buffer,4096);
buffer gets set to:
"USB device vendor","Usb device model","usb device serial #","/sys/more/info/here"\n
"Usb controller vendor","USB model","l","/sys/more/info/here"\n
"PCI bus bridge chip vendor","bridge chip model","","/sys/more/info/here"\n
"Southbridge vendor","Southbridge model","serial","/sys/more/info/here"\n
"Northbridge vendor","Northbridge model","northbridge serial","/sys/more/info/here"\n "Memory vendor","Memory model","Serial numbers of chips","/sys/more/info/here"\n "Processor vendor","Processor model/stepping","CPUID if supported","/sys/more/info/here"\n
"distro name","kernel name","kernel versions","/sys/lotsaluck"\n
"Bios vendor","bios version","Bios serial","/sys/more/info/here"\n
"Overall system vendor","Overall system model","Overall system serial#/support id tag","/sys/no/joy"\n

2 motivations: Motivation 1: You have many device X's out there attached to various boxen which come and go way more frequently than device X does, and all the X's reports to and are controlled by a database. Each device X has its own serial number which is the only reasonable choice to provide access to X without making X management code have to know what host X is plugged into for net access from moment to moment. You don't like the really hackish looking code that has to text munge around both /proc and /sys to try to tease out X's serial number, and having to examine every new kernel for formatting changes in both those structures in order to maintain X device support. And you don't want to have every driver create its own non-standard internal IOCTL call number and format for reporting config details and a second one for 'here's the path to my parent device'. And you certainly don't want production code trying to parse dmesg output messages looking for load time 'I found this model/serial/brand/withcool-blue-lights, mounted on /dev/zippyhummer, excelsior!' announcements.

Motivation2: Support help. Make more efficient the presently too frequent reporting exchange "Accessing Foo is flaky when I do this" "send a dmesg output" "where is foo loaded, which plug did you use","Well, its a symbolic link that pointed to a CD yesterday but now which LVM RAID did that get mounted on?" or "which USB device number is that this boot - depends on whether the other cable was loose during the udev scan" get a whole lot simpler.

Harry Coin
Quietfountain LLC
Bettendorf, Iowa

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