Lets not go overboard Alan ;-)

> > It makes sense to refuse to build a piece of the kernel if it break's
> > a machine - anything else is a timebomb waiting to explode.
> The logical conclusion of that is to replace the entire kernel tree with
> #error "compiler or program might have a bug. Aborting"
> The kernel is NOT some US home appliance festooned with 'do not eat this
> furniture' and 'do not expose your laserwrite to naked flame' messages.
> The readme says its been tested with egcs-1.1.2 and gcc 2.95.
> The same people who can't read documentation will just mail the list with
> 'it doesnt compile, help' or 'it doesnt compile, you suck' in less enlightened
> cases/
> Large numbers of people routinely build the kernel with 'unsupported' compilers
> notably the pgcc project people and another group you will cause problems for
> - the GCC maintainers. They use the kernel tree as part of the test set for
> their kernel, something putting #ifdefs all over it will mean they have to
> mess around to fix too.
> Alan

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