Thank goodness, it's about time.  :-)

On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 07:08:44PM +0000, Anton Altaparmakov wrote:
> This is to announce the first public release of the Linux-NTFS project 
> hosted on sourceforge. The project page, where you can download the source 
> code tar ball or rpm as well as precompiled RPMs for RedHat Linux 7.0 (i386 
> architecture only), is:
> You can also use the CVS server if you prefer...
> Note, that you need the kernel headers installed to compile linux-ntfs 
> source (probably you will need 2.4.x kernel headers and not 2.2.x ones but 
> I haven't actually checked whether it works with 2.2.x or not).
> The first release contains the all new and wonderful ntfsfix utility, which 
> repairs some of the damage that the current Linux NTFS driver does when 
> writing to an NTFS partition.
> If you are doing any writing to NTFS partitions using the Linux NTFS driver 
> this is an absolute *MUST* at the present time. It won't solve all 
> problems, but it goes quite some way to prevent data corruption.
> Run it after dismounting your NTFS partition in Linux but before rebooting 
> into Windows NT/2000.
> Note, after running the utility, when Windows boots up it will run an 
> automatic chkdsk on the partition which will finish fixing the damage done 
> by the Linux NTFS driver without corrupting the written data or any other 
> data (as long as the Linux NTFS driver hasn't corrupted something beyond 
> repair, obviously).
> For amusement value, the first release also includes the ntfsdump_logfile 
> utility which when used on an NTFS partition will display information about 
> the journal ($LogFile) of that partition.
> Finally both these utilities make use of the also included NTFS library 
> which offer NTFS access to open source programs. It is currently under 
> heavy development and the API is not going to remain as it is so don't use 
> it yet for your own programs.
> For everyone interested in NTFS on-disk structures and functionality, you 
> will find the doc directory and especially the include directory to be of 
> great interest as the later includes header files with all known to me NTFS 
> structures. I still haven't gone through all the NTFS information that is 
> available so they are considered work in progress but are fairly complete I 
> thing. Most people will probably find that the $LogFile structures have 
> never been published before anywhere and now we have the restart area 
> structure definitions.
> Any problems compiling/running the utilities, just give me a shout, or even 
> better submit bug reports on the project page!
> Enjoy!
> Anton
> -- 
> "Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet get the work done". - 
> Linus Torvalds
> -- 
> Anton Altaparmakov <aia21 at> (replace at with @)
> Linux NTFS Maintainer / WWW:
> ICQ: 8561279 / WWW:
> -
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