  I maybe going mad (or it may be too late) - but I've been starting X,
quitting and restarting - and there are a couple of times over the last
day where I could have sworn that I pressed return on the startx and had
to hit return again.

This is 2.4.1-ac2 with XFree 4.0.2 on Alpha.

OK - it might be just going mad; but I'm fairly sure its loosing a key


 ---------------- Have a happy GNU millennium! ----------------------   
/ Dr. David Alan Gilbert      | Running GNU/Linux on Alpha, | Happy  \ 
\   gro.gilbert @ treblig.org | 68K,MIPS,x86,ARM and SPARC  | In Hex /
 \ ___________________________|___ http://www.treblig.org   |_______/

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