On 07/25/2012 01:02 PM, Vladimir Davydov wrote:
On 07/25/2012 02:58 PM, Andre Przywara wrote:
On 07/25/2012 12:31 PM, Vladimir Davydov wrote:
On 07/24/2012 04:44 PM, Alan Cox wrote:
This approach does not need any kernel support (except for the
/proc/cpuinfo filtering). Does this address the issues you have?
You can do the /proc/cpuinfo filtering in user space too

I wanted to write the same reply yesterday, but followed the hint in
Alan's previous mail:
# mount --bind /dev/shm/faked_cpuinfo /somepath/proc/cpuinfo

I checked it, it works even with chroots and is not visible from within.

If CPUs go online/offline?

Do you support CPU offlining from within the guest? My OpenVZ guest only has /sys/class and nothing else, so I cannot offline any CPU.

So you setup a "hand-crafted" cpuinfo for the guest and this should stay valid for the whole guest's runtime, right?

And since it is a dumped file, "host" CPU off/onlining does not affect it. Or do you want to propagate this to the guests? (Sorry, but my thinking is more Xen/KVM oriented, where guests can only do most things if they are explicitly allowed to do it and separation between guests and host is much stricter).


Andre Przywara
AMD-Operating System Research Center (OSRC), Dresden, Germany

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