I'm having difficulty mounting a reiserfs partition after a power outage.

This is 2.4.0-test9 compiled with reiserfs as a module, and 
the ide.2.4.0-t9-6.task.0923.path IDE patch - mostly to get updated support for
the 3WARE IDE RAID controller.  

/dev/sda is the 3ware escalade raid mirror - two Maxtor 20 gig drives.

reiserfs is compiled as a module, the distribution is Debian Linux 

uname -a shows:
Linux ns2 2.4.0-test9 #1 Wed Dec 6 16:28:45 EST 2000 i586 unknown

/etc/fstab shows:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>                       <dump> <pass>
/dev/sda1       /               ext2    defaults,errors=remount-ro      0      1
/dev/sda5       none            swap    sw                      0       0
proc            /proc           proc    defaults                        0      0
/dev/sda6       /var/www        reiserfs defaults 0 0
/dev/sda7       /home           reiserfs defaults,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0        /floppy         auto    defaults,user,noauto            0      0
/dev/cdrom      /cdrom          iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto         0      0

The partition I'm having trouble with is /dev/sda7.  /dev/sda6 recovered okay.
/dev/sda7 doesn't have a lot of data on it, and I CAN deal with the lost data,
but it doesn't leave me with a very good feeling of confidence in reiserfs
if I can't successfully recover from a power failure.

What happens when I type mount /dev/sda7 is this:

reiserfs: using 3.5.x disk format
reiserfs: checking transaction log (device 08:07) ...

and then it hangs.  I then have to hit the reset button to reboot.

I've tried running reiserfsck with --check, --correct-bitmap, 
--rebuild-sb, and --rebuild-tree.  NO luck there.

debugreiserfs /dev/sda7 shows:

<-------------debugreiserfs, 2000------------->
reiserfsprogs 3.x
Super block of format 3.5 found on the 0x3 in block 16
Block count 2405720
Blocksize 4096
Free blocks 2397152
Busy blocks (skipped 16, bitmaps - 74, journal blocks - 8193
1 super blocks, 284 data blocks
Root block 8212
Journal block (first) 18
Journal dev 0
Journal orig size 8192
Filesystem state ERROR
Tree height 2
Hash function used to sort names: tea hash

Any help?  Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Jeff McWilliams
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