Rick Jones wrote:
> > Default of 536 is sadistic (and apaprently will be changed eventually
> > to stop tears of poor people whose providers not only supply them
> > with bogus mtu values sort of 552 or even 296, but also jailed them
> > to some proxy or masquearding domain), but it is still right: IP
> > with mtu lower 576 is not full functional.
> I thought that the specs said that 576 was the "minimum maximum"
> reassemblable IP datagram size and not a minimum MTU.

RFC 1191 (Path MTU Discovery as it happens):

   Plateau    MTU    Comments                      Reference
   ------     ---    --------                      ---------
              65535  Official maximum MTU          RFC 791
              65535  Hyperchannel                  RFC 1044
   32000             Just in case
              17914  16Mb IBM Token Ring           ref. [6]
              8166   IEEE 802.4                    RFC 1042
              4464   IEEE 802.5 (4Mb max)          RFC 1042
              4352   FDDI (Revised)                RFC 1188
   4352 (1%)
              2048   Wideband Network              RFC 907
              2002   IEEE 802.5 (4Mb recommended)  RFC 1042
   2002 (2%)
              1536   Exp. Ethernet Nets            RFC 895
              1500   Ethernet Networks             RFC 894
              1500   Point-to-Point (default)      RFC 1134
              1492   IEEE 802.3                    RFC 1042
   1492 (3%)
              1006   SLIP                          RFC 1055
              1006   ARPANET                       BBN 1822
              576    X.25 Networks                 RFC 877
              544    DEC IP Portal                 ref. [10]
              512    NETBIOS                       RFC 1088
              508    IEEE 802/Source-Rt Bridge     RFC 1042
              508    ARCNET                        RFC 1051
   508 (13%)
              296    Point-to-Point (low delay)    RFC 1144
   68                Official minimum MTU          RFC 791

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