On Sun, Feb 25 2001, Jonathan Oppenheim wrote:
> i have also been having trouble with many cyphers including
> blowfish (although twofish and idea worked).  the error seems to be the
> same in all 2.4.x kernels (i have all the relevant options compiled
> as modules eg. loopback and ciphers))
> i follow the encryptionhowto, but when i do a 
> losetup -e blah blah blah
> i get a segmentation fault (no core, no other error
> messages as far as i can see)
> then, i can't rmmod the loop module and other modules because
> they are busy.
> so i can't unmount the disk.
> i haven't yet tried things with 2.4.2-ac3, but the problem
> seems to be with particular cyphers not with loopback.

So report the problem to the crypto folks people? I've seen several
of these now, but not one includes ksymoops info etc.

Jens Axboe

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