Here results of my test. Workload isn't very realistic, but at least it threaded: compiling linux-3.6 with defconfig in 16 threads on tmpfs,
512mb ram, dualcore cpu, ordinary hard disk. (test script in attachment)

average results for ten runs:

                RA=3    RA=0    RA=1    RA=2    RA=4    Hugh    Shaohua
real time       500     542     528     519     500     523     522
user time       738     737     735     737     739     737     739
sys time        93      93      91      92      96      92      93
pgmajfault      62918   110533  92454   78221   54342   86601   77229
pgpgin          2070372 795228  1034046 1471010 3177192 1154532 1599388
pgpgout         2597278 2022037 2110020 2350380 2802670 2286671 2526570
pswpin          462747  138873  202148  310969  739431  232710  341320
pswpout         646363  502599  524613  584731  697797  568784  628677

So, last two columns shows mostly equal results: +4.6% and +4.4% in comparison to vanilla kernel with RA=3, but your version shows more stable results (std-error 2.7% against 4.8%) (all this numbers in huge table in attachment)

Numbers from your tests formatted into table for better readability
HDD             Vanilla Shaohua RA=3    RA=0    RA=4
SEQ, ANON       73921   76210   75611   121542  77950
SEQ, SHMEM      73601   73176   73855   118322  73534
RND, ANON       895392  831243  871569  841680  863871
RND, SHMEM      1058375 1053486 827935  756489  834804

SDD             Vanilla Shaohua RA=3    RA=0    RA=4
SEQ, ANON       24634   24198   24673   70018   21125
SEQ, SHMEM      24959   24932   25052   69678   21387
RND, ANON       43014   26146   28075   25901   28686
RND, SHMEM      45349   45215   28249   24332   28226

Hugh Dickins wrote:
On Tue, 2 Oct 2012, Konstantin Khlebnikov wrote:
Hugh Dickins wrote:

If I boot with mem=900M (and 1G swap: either on hard disk sda, or
on Vertex II SSD sdb), and mmap anonymous 1000M (either MAP_PRIVATE,
or MAP_SHARED for a shmem object), and either cycle sequentially round
that making 5M touches (spaced a page apart), or make 5M random touches,
then here are the times in centisecs that I see (but it's only elapsed
that I've been worrying about).

3.6-rc7 swapping to hard disk:
      124 user    6154 system   73921 elapsed -rc7 sda seq
      102 user    8862 system  895392 elapsed -rc7 sda random
      130 user    6628 system   73601 elapsed -rc7 sda shmem seq
      194 user    8610 system 1058375 elapsed -rc7 sda shmem random

3.6-rc7 swapping to SSD:
      116 user    5898 system   24634 elapsed -rc7 sdb seq
       96 user    8166 system   43014 elapsed -rc7 sdb random
      110 user    6410 system   24959 elapsed -rc7 sdb shmem seq
      208 user    8024 system   45349 elapsed -rc7 sdb shmem random

3.6-rc7 + Shaohua's patch (and FAULT_FLAG_RETRY check in do_swap_page),
      116 user    6258 system   76210 elapsed shli sda seq
       80 user    7716 system  831243 elapsed shli sda random
      128 user    6640 system   73176 elapsed shli sda shmem seq
      212 user    8522 system 1053486 elapsed shli sda shmem random

3.6-rc7 + Shaohua's patch (and FAULT_FLAG_RETRY check in do_swap_page),
      126 user    5734 system   24198 elapsed shli sdb seq
       90 user    7356 system   26146 elapsed shli sdb random
      128 user    6396 system   24932 elapsed shli sdb shmem seq
      192 user    8006 system   45215 elapsed shli sdb shmem random

3.6-rc7 + my patch, swapping to hard disk:
      126 user    6252 system   75611 elapsed hugh sda seq
       70 user    8310 system  871569 elapsed hugh sda random
      130 user    6790 system   73855 elapsed hugh sda shmem seq
      148 user    7734 system  827935 elapsed hugh sda shmem random

3.6-rc7 + my patch, swapping to SSD:
      116 user    5996 system   24673 elapsed hugh sdb seq
       76 user    7568 system   28075 elapsed hugh sdb random
      132 user    6468 system   25052 elapsed hugh sdb shmem seq
      166 user    7220 system   28249 elapsed hugh sdb shmem random

Hmm, It would be nice to gather numbers without swapin readahead at all, just
to see the the worst possible case for sequential read and the best for

Right, and also interesting to see what happens if we raise page_cluster
(more of an option than it was, with your or my patch scaling it down).
Run on the same machine under the same conditions:

3.6-rc7 + my patch, swapping to hard disk with page_cluster 0 (no readahead):
     136 user   34038 system  121542 elapsed hugh cluster0 sda seq
     102 user    7928 system  841680 elapsed hugh cluster0 sda random
     130 user   34770 system  118322 elapsed hugh cluster0 sda shmem seq
     160 user    7362 system  756489 elapsed hugh cluster0 sda shmem random

3.6-rc7 + my patch, swapping to SSD with page_cluster 0 (no readahead):
     138 user   32230 system   70018 elapsed hugh cluster0 sdb seq
      88 user    7296 system   25901 elapsed hugh cluster0 sdb random
     154 user   33150 system   69678 elapsed hugh cluster0 sdb shmem seq
     166 user    6936 system   24332 elapsed hugh cluster0 sdb shmem random

3.6-rc7 + my patch, swapping to hard disk with page_cluster 4 (default + 1):
     144 user    4262 system   77950 elapsed hugh cluster4 sda seq
      74 user    8268 system  863871 elapsed hugh cluster4 sda random
     140 user    4880 system   73534 elapsed hugh cluster4 sda shmem seq
     160 user    7788 system  834804 elapsed hugh cluster4 sda shmem random

3.6-rc7 + my patch, swapping to SSD with page_cluster 4 (default + 1):
     124 user    4242 system   21125 elapsed hugh cluster4 sdb seq
      72 user    7680 system   28686 elapsed hugh cluster4 sdb random
     122 user    4622 system   21387 elapsed hugh cluster4 sdb shmem seq
     172 user    7238 system   28226 elapsed hugh cluster4 sdb shmem random

I was at first surprised to see random significantly faster than sequential
on SSD with readahead off, thinking they ought to come out the same.  But
no, that's a warning on the limitations of the test: with an mmap of 1000M
on a machine with mem=900M, the page-by-page sequential is never going to
rehit cache, whereas the random has a good chance of finding in memory.

Which I presume also accounts for the lower user times throughout
for random - but then why not the same for shmem random?

I did start off measuring on the laptop with SSD, mmap 1000M mem=500M;
but once I transferred to the desktop, I rediscovered just how slow
swapping to hard disk can be, couldn't wait days, so made mem=900M.

I'll run some tests too, especially I want to see how it works for less
synthetic workloads.

Thank you, that would be valuable.  I expect there to be certain midway
tests on which Shaohao's patch would show up as significantly faster,
where his per-vma approach would beat the global approach; then the
global to improve with growing contention between processes.  But I
didn't devise any such test, and hoped Shaohua might have one.


Description: Bourne shell script

                0-orig.log      1-nora.log              1-one.log               
2-two.log               4-four.log              5-hugh.log              
real time       500 [1.9%]      542 [4.5%]      +8.3%   528 [4.7%]      +5.7%   
519 [2.6%]      +3.8%   500 [1.2%]      +0.1%   523 [2.7%]      +4.6%   522 
[4.4%]      +4.4%
user time       738 [0.5%]      737 [0.7%]      -0.2%   735 [0.4%]      -0.4%   
737 [0.4%]      -0.1%   739 [0.4%]      +0.1%   737 [0.4%]      -0.1%   739 
[0.3%]      +0.2%
sys time        93 [1.2%]       93 [1.8%]       +0.6%   91 [0.8%]       -1.4%   
92 [1.2%]       -1.3%   96 [0.8%]       +3.8%   92 [0.8%]       -1.0%   93 
[1.0%]       +0.5%
pgmajfault      62918 [4.2%]    110533 [6.6%]   +75.7%  92454 [4.6%]    +46.9%  
78221 [3.3%]    +24.3%  54342 [2.7%]    -13.6%  86601 [3.8%]    +37.6%  77229 
[6.4%]    +22.7%
pgpgin          2070372 [4.0%]  795228 [6.7%]   -61.6%  1034046 [2.9%]  -50.1%  
1471010 [4.2%]  -28.9%  3177192 [2.1%]  +53.5%  1154532 [3.4%]  -44.2%  1599388 
[6.2%]  -22.7%
pgpgout         2597278 [7.9%]  2022037 [9.4%]  -22.1%  2110020 [4.3%]  -18.8%  
2350380 [8.1%]  -9.5%   2802670 [6.8%]  +7.9%   2286671 [7.0%]  -12.0%  2526570 
[8.1%]  -2.7%
pswpin          462747 [4.5%]   138873 [6.1%]   -70.0%  202148 [3.4%]   -56.3%  
310969 [3.7%]   -32.8%  739431 [2.0%]   +59.8%  232710 [3.6%]   -49.7%  341320 
[6.9%]   -26.2%
pswpout         646363 [7.9%]   502599 [9.5%]   -22.2%  524613 [4.4%]   -18.8%  
584731 [8.2%]   -9.5%   697797 [6.8%]   +8.0%   568784 [7.0%]   -12.0%  628677 
[8.1%]   -2.7%

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