
> >There's nothing wrong with the mailing list. Pavel, please set your clock
> >correctly :-)
> No, Pavel's clock is fine AFAIK.  The message was sent in
> January.  However, it was just received AGAIN today.  I don't

Unfortunately, my clock is b0rken. This damn little machine just does
not have ability to retain time across reboot. [For booting, I need
winCE. WinCE will crash upon boot if something unexpected (like linux)
is in memory. Therefore I need to remove main battery for reboot :-(.]

It even does not have ability to retain time correctly during powersave
mode, but that could be solved.

Before someone says "NTP", this machine is usually not connected anywhere --
it comunicates via ATA flash. Maybe I could scan  flash for newest timestamp
and use that for date...

Oh, and it might be possible that mail was accidentaly sent twice. Sorry for

> Press every key to continue.


Philips Velo 1: 1"x4"x8", 300gram, 60, 12MB, 40bogomips, linux, mutt,
no usable clock. details at http://atrey....cuni.cz/~pavel/velo/index.html.

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