> On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> > I have two dsl links, each with one ip, and a single gateway is assigned the ip
> > for each.
> >
> >  ______    ______
> > | ADSL |  | SDSL |
> > |______|  |______|
> >        \  /
> >         \/
> >      ___||____
> >     | gateway |
> >     |_________|
> >         ||
> >         ||
> >         ||
> >        _||__
> >       | web |
> >       |_____|
> >
> > OK.
> >
> > The problem: I am able to have the web server use one or the other dsl, but not
> > both at the same time.
> >
> > If I have web set to sdsl, replies to queries that came from adsl go out on the
> > sdsl link. Also since masq is involved, it also responds with the sdsl ip.
> >
> > How can I have replies go back on the correct internet link?  OH, btw, the web
> > server is NT, so I won't be able to modify any packets there...
> What I've done is to put two IPs on the server (your web server, in this
> case). You would then have the gateway send one IP out via ADSL, and the
> out via SDSL.
> There is no way I know of to make that work.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Phil Brutsche                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There has to be a better way.  I'm forwarding this to LKML.  Maybe they have a
better idea...

I know the kernel keeps a route cache, is there something like a reverse MASQ
feature somewhere.  Storing which incoming route + port number and keeping a
dynamic list...


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