On Sat, Mar 03, 2001 at 11:52:22AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> is there a more suitable mailing list for me to sign up for?  debian has a
> mailing list both for package maintainers and those who are trying to learn
> how to be package maintainers.
> is there a similar thing with the kernel mailing list?

If you ask the right questions and take care to have RTFM'd, as you already
appear to be doing reading the book you mentioned, people here are generally
very friendly. 

Another great place to ask questions is on irc, see

> since i haven't signed on yet, can you please cc me the reply.  if it turns
> out this is the correct list, i'll sign on pronto.

For serious questions, this is definitely the place. For 'I can't be
bothered to read the source and find out how it works'-questions, you should
hire somebody :-)



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