On 10/24/2012 06:20 AM, Anderson Lizardo wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 5:29 AM, Jeff Cook <j...@deserettechnology.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Please see included patch. First-time submitter so let me know if I did
>> something wrong.
> Just one more suggestion (adding to Gustavo's comments), you may want to read:
> http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
> Specially sections 12 and 15.

Thanks for the help everyone. I did skim SubmittingPatches prior to
submission, but dropped off before sections 12 and 15; the information
seemed outdated since it made no mention of git by the time I stopped
reading (around section 9 or so), so I looked elsewhere.

I will resubmit according to the information in Section 15. Do I need to
add something like "try 2" to the patch's subject line, or is it okay
without that?
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