Alan Cox wrote:
> > support to function efficiently -- perhaps that technology needs to be further 
> > on Linux so app writers don't also have to be kernel experts and experts in all the
> > various bus and device types out there?
> You mean someone should write a libcdrom that handles stuff like that - quite
> possibly
        More generally -- if I want to know if a DVD has been inserted and of what type
and/or a floppy has been inserted or a removable media of type "X" or perhaps
more generally -- not just if a 'device' has changed but a file or directory?

        I think that is what famd is supposed to do, but apparently it does so (I'm 
guessing from the external description) by polling and says it needs kernel support
to be more efficient.  Famd was apparently ported to Linux from Irix where it had
the kernel ability to be notified of changed file-space items (file-space = anything
accessible w/a pathname).

        Now if I can just remember where I saw this mythical port of the 'file-access
monitoring daemon'....


L A Walsh                        | Trust Technology, Core Linux, SGI
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