-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Jonathan Brugge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: mercoledì 7 marzo 2001 13.23
Oggetto: Re: Major system crash 2.2.14 HELP!!!

>Ok...I'm not an expert on this, but maybe you can make something of
>Jonathan Brugge

Thanks for your help Jon. I only just finished backing up /home and
/root to a few tarchives on the Dark Side of my machine. Yes, you are
right, my directories were on several different partitions. /home was
on /dev/md0, a disk-striping software raid. For some reason that
totally escapes my intellectual powers, /dev/md0 ( containing /home
and god knows what else... I forgot long ago) and /dev/md1 (swap
device) , entirely disappeared from the /dev/ directory. Yet, for a
mystical and transcendental manifestation the Light Side of
Informatics, when I typed "mount /home" all the files that were
contained in that directory reappeared. I quickly mounted the Dark
Side partition and copied them there. Now, all I have to do is verify
the integrity of the backups, raze the Light Side and reinstall it
from from the CD. I'll then have to reinstall and rebuild a few things
(gcc, kernel, x ...) and then hopefully all will be well...

Greetings and thanks to all list members who have patiently born this
thread without flaming me. I greatly appreciated everybody's help and


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