On Fri, 02 Nov 2012 14:47:40 +0000
"Jan Beulich" <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:

> This makes the resulting diagnostics quite a bit more useful.

So asserts Jan, but to confirm it I would need to download, configure,
build and install a different gcc version, which sounds rather a hassle.

So, please show us an exmple of these diagnostics in the changelog.

> --- 3.7-rc3/include/linux/bug.h
> +++ 3.7-rc3-static-assert/include/linux/bug.h
> @@ -27,8 +27,15 @@ struct pt_regs;
>     result (of value 0 and type size_t), so the expression can be used
>     e.g. in a structure initializer (or where-ever else comma expressions
>     aren't permitted). */
> +#if __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)

This sort of logic is normally performed via the
include/linux/compiler*.h system.  And

        grep __GNUC include/linux/*.h

indicates that we've been pretty successful.  Can we do that here too?

(eg: suppose the Intel compiler supports _Static_assert?)

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