On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Ortwin Glück <o...@odi.ch> wrote:
> On 08.11.2012 14:28, Luming Yu wrote:
>> As I just noticed that I couldn't quit from mutt due to tmpfs is full.
> That's also pointing towards high memory pressure.

watch "cat /proc/meminfo" just showed me the progress
mutt  was creating a very large tmp file in /tmp/ until  "memfree" reached a
watermark then failed with a message like " no space in /tmp"

sounds like I can't use mutt if my mutt mail file is close to the
physical memory
I have when tmp-on-tmpfs is enabled..

hmm....make sens? maybe we can't use tmp-on-tmpfs feature in f18
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