Got the following oops while starting quake2 (one time) and running
mpg123 (another time).  It seems pretty reproduceable.  Kernel version
2.4.2-ac17, motherboard is a i810 chipset eMachines

Caveat emptor, this was typed by hand, but the two oopsen, after being
entered, where identical, so unless I made the same typo twice (or
miscopied twice)...

CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c4858364>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00000000 ebx: 00001850 ecx: c1127e8c edx: 00000000
esi: 04000001 edi: 0000000a ebp: c1127e64 esp: c021bf0c
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Stack: c117cce0 04000001 0000000a c021bfa0 00000001 c021bf98 c0168946 00008140
       00000001 c011bcd4 00000001 c485b127 c1127e64 00000000 c021bf98 c026352c
       c011b7e6 c020a3c0 c011940f c0109f2d 0000000a c116a6e4 c021bfa0 00000140
Call Trace: 
Code: f7 71 14 89 51 20 8b 41 28 40 83 e0 1f 89 41 28 8a 41 28 8d

>>EIP; c4858364 <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+240/288>   <=====
Trace; c0168946 <batch_entropy_process+aa/b0>
Trace; c011bcd4 <timer_bh+24/25c>
Trace; c485b127 <[usbcore]usb_get_port_status+f/38>
Trace; c011b7e6 <tqueue_bh+16/1c>
Trace; c011940f <bh_action+1b/60>
Trace; c0109f2d <handle_IRQ_event+31/5c>
Trace; c010a08e <do_IRQ+6e/b0>
Trace; c0108db0 <ret_from_intr+0/20>
Trace; c01a6bcd <acpi_idle+251/27c>
Trace; c01a697c <acpi_idle+0/27c>
Trace; c0107120 <default_idle+0/28>
Trace; c01071a9 <cpu_idle+41/54>
Trace; c0105000 <empty_bad_page+0/1000>
Trace; c0100191 <L6+0/2>
Code;  c4858364 <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+240/288>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c4858364 <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+240/288>   <=====
   0:   f7 71 14                  div    0x14(%ecx),%eax   <=====
Code;  c4858367 <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+243/288>
   3:   89 51 20                  mov    %edx,0x20(%ecx)
Code;  c485836a <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+246/288>
   6:   8b 41 28                  mov    0x28(%ecx),%eax
Code;  c485836d <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+249/288>
   9:   40                        inc    %eax
Code;  c485836e <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+24a/288>
   a:   83 e0 1f                  and    $0x1f,%eax
Code;  c4858371 <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+24d/288>
   d:   89 41 28                  mov    %eax,0x28(%ecx)
Code;  c4858374 <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+250/288>
  10:   8a 41 28                  mov    0x28(%ecx),%al
Code;  c4858377 <[usbcore]usb_drivers_purge+253/288>
  13:   8d 00                     lea    (%eax),%eax
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