A simple question for you guru's..

I just installed kernel 2.4.2 on a slackware system and have a problem 
with loading a module. It is the 8139too.o module previously the
rtl8139.o.   It seems that this new driver is not being loaded with
this new kernel. Obviously something has changed but I can't seem to see 
where that is.  I noticed though that the directories in /lib/modules for
this kernel is different than 2.2.18.  

Anyways - to get things to work, I have put added this statement to the
top of my /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 file:

insmod /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/8139too.o.

That seems to get things working but why should I do that.

By the way - I do have  'alias eth0 8139too.o'  in my /etc/modules.conf

Any thoughts on where I might be going wrong. And I do have
'CONFIG_KMOD=y' in my kernel configuration..

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Ted Gervais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> linux.ve1drg.ampr.org

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