Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> Can you please try to reproduce it with the following patch against 2.4.2?

Marcelo (et al),

I'll give it a whirl with the patch.  Should I also
try setting `nmi_watchdog=0' in lilo.conf, as Andrew
Morton suggests?

Additionally, I'll upgrade my version of ksymoops.
Unfortunately, I won't get a chance to test all of
this until Monday; at which time I'll report back to
the group.

Shane Y. Gibson                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Architect                  (408) 447-8253  work
IT Data Center Operations          (408) 447-8298  fax
Digital Impact, Inc.               (650) 302-0193  cellular
                                   (888) 786-4863  pager

 "Outlook not so good." That magic 8-ball knows everything!
  I'll ask about Exchange Server next.           -- unknown
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