(please cc: me any response, I only keep up with linux-kernel via the archives)

I see pre4 has an updated megaraid.c...  It Just Don't Work(tm)

I thought it might be a part of Alan's merges, but it's not
in the -ac tree.  Linus, who sent you this patch?

Recognizes the controller, accesses my two logical volumes,
cp /dev/sda /dev/null causes the drives to light up....
but the data being copied looks to be random bits of memory.
I see syslog in there and lilo messages... all sorts of things
that don't belong.  It appears to be claiming pages used by /dev/hda,
or something silly.  I even see my IDE MBR, and fdisk recognizes the 
SCSI disc as being partitoned the same as /dev/hda.

AMI MegaRAID express 500, trying 2.4.2, 2.4.3-pre4.

Apparently the chip is too new for driver version 1.07b, (not recognized
at all by the kernel) and 1.14g has the problems I'm going over here.

I also tried I2O, but it didn't recognize the card either.

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