Otto Wyss wrote:
> > I had a similar experience:
> > X crashed , hosing the console , so I could not initiate
> > a proper shutdown.
> >
> > Here I must note that the response you got on linux-kernel is
> > shameful.
> >
> Thanks, but I expected it a little bit. All around Linux is centered
> around getting the highest performance out of it and very low (to low
> IMHO) is done to have a save system. The attitude "It doesn't matter
> making mistakes, they get fix anyhow" annoys me most, especially if it
> were easy to prevent them.
> > What I did was to write a kernel/apmd patch , that performed a
> > proper shutdown when I press the power button ( which luckily
> > works as long as the kernel works ).
> >
> Not with a AT power supply but certainly nice to have. See that it gets
> included into the kernel.

It was just a line or two bugfix, not a real patch. I will dig it up
and send a patch for 2.4 
When I have the time :-)

David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill & Ted
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