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> Hi,
> I just made a manipulation that disturbs me. So I'm asking whether it's a
> bug or a features.
> user> su
> root> echo "test" > test
> root> ls -l
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            5 Mar 29 19:14 test
> root> exit
> user> rm test
> rm: remove write-protected file `test'? y
> user> ls test
> ls: test: No such file or directory
> This is in the user home directory.
> Since the file is read only for the user, it should not be able to remove
> it. Moreover, the user can't write to test.
> So I think this is a bug.

Nope - rm only updates the directory, which the user owns; not the file.
The prompt is just being nice.

Jesse I Pollard, II

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