Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Here might be one of the resons for the trouble with VIA chipsets:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Some DMA error corrupting data, sounds like a really nasty bug. The
> > information is minimal on that page.
> What annoys me is that we've known about the problem for _ages_. If you look
> the 2.4 kernel has experimental workarounds for this problem. VIA never once
> even returned an email to say 'we are looking into this'. Instead people sat
> there flashing multiple BIOS images and seeing what made the difference.

Is this problem likely to affect 2.2.X?  I have a VIA-based board on
order (Tyan Trinity) and I don't plan to run 2.4 on it anytime soon
(it's upgrading a stock RH6.2 box).

Am I safe if I stay in PIO mode?

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