On 2001.04.22 19:42 Wayne Whitney wrote:
> In mailing-lists.linux-kernel, Manuel A. McLure wrote:
> > Did you try nesting more than one "su -"? The first one after a boot
> > works for me - every other one fails.
> Same here: the first "su -" works OK, but a second nested one hangs:
>  8825 pts/2    S      0:00 /bin/su -
>  8826 pts/2    S      0:00 -bash
>  8854 pts/2    T      0:00 stty erase ?
>  8855 pts/0    R      0:00 ps ax
> "kill -CONT 8854" has no effect.  
> > I'm on RH71 - this may be specific to this release. It's also
> > kernel-dependent, I can reboot with ac5 and the problem does not
> > happen.  The kernel is compiled with the same compiler as yours.
> I'm RH-7.1 and kernel 2.4.4-pre6 (with the via 3.23 driver from -ac)

It looks like this may very well be a RH 7.1 interaction with the kernel,
since others are not seeing this.

Manuel A. McLure KE6TAW | ...for in Ulthar, according to an ancient
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     | and significant law, no man may kill a cat.
<http://www.mclure.org> |             -- H.P. Lovecraft

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