Am Dienstag, 24. April 2001 14:44 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, Alexander Viro wrote:
> > So let him log in as root, do everything as root and be cracked
> > like a bloody moron he is. Next?
> come on, it's hard for me as it's hard for you. not everybody
> expect a computer to be like people here thinks how a computer
> should be.
> think about personal devices. something like the nokia communicator.
> a system security passwd is acceptable, but that's it. no those-
> device-user would like to know about user account, file ownership,
> etc. they just want to use it.
> that also explain why win95 user doesn't want to use NT. not
> because they can't afford it (belive me, here NT costs only
> us$2), but additional headache isn't acceptable.
> with multi-user concept, conceptually there should be an
> administrator to create account, grant permission, etc.
> no my sister doesn't want that. i bet there are billions of
> people not willing to learn how to use a computer, they just
> want to use it.
> and yes, mobile devices access network.

KDE2.1.1 comes with a password disabling feature. That means that you can log 
in without password (you have to use KDM). For everything else (ftp, telnet, 
ssh, text-console-login - whatever) you still need the password. 
This is very new, KDE-versions prior to 2.1.1 don't have that feature AFAIK.

So if you've got physical access to the machine you just have to click on 
your icon/name and cklick "Go!" or press Enter. It can't get much easier than 

I think this is a far better alternative than a single user Linux.


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