On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, [ks_c_5601-1987] ¿À´Ã°ú³»ÀÏ È«¼®¹ü wrote:

> (1) some  process is not killed
> I built kernel 2.4.3 in my linux server which works in php+mysql.
> But after a few days, I found that my mysql daemon was not work.
> (But mysql process is seen)
> So I typed like this to kill the mysql process.
> kill -9 pid or
> killall -9 -ev mysqld
> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql.server stop
> ...... etc....
> But I can't kill mysql process with any command.
> So I reboot the system.
> (Unfortunately,  this phenomenon is occured very often and
>  occured other linux servers that kernel is 2.4.3...)
> Of cource, mysql process is just a sample
> and other process(proftpd, sendmail, etc...)
> is not killed either.
> (2) Anyone (even root) can't access some directory.
> A few days ago, I moved the special user's directory and typed "ls -la" to see the
> directory structure. but that command was not work and the process is stopped.
> --- keyboard is not work too.
> (the process is not dead even would kill the process as root)
> so other processes to access the directory were seen in the "ps aux" command.
> and the load average is so high(about 100)  even all processes are killed
> except those undead processes.
> and the load average can't down any more before reboot the system.
> I think that these two problems are bug in the 2.4.3 .

I've been using 2.4.3 without any problems and I also use php, mysql,
proftpd, apache, etc...

Are you sure you upgraded userland tools to the versions stated in the
changes file?

From what you're saying it could be problems with your drive or drive
controller or something. Can't say until you provide more information.
What hardware?


Mohammad A. Haque                              http://www.haque.net/
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    • Mohammad A. Haque

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