On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Vivek Goyal <vgo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 01:36:02PM -0700, Yinghai Lu wrote:
> [..]
>> > You are just describing what your code does. There is no theme or
>> > justification behind this behavior. There is no uniformity. A user can
>> > question that so far you used to honor last crashkernel= parameter and
>> > suddenly in 3.9 that's no more the case. Out of blue crashkernel=X,high is
>> > overriding crashkernel=X and it is not obivious why.
>> Let me repeat again:
>> we keep crashkernel=X old behavior with old kexec-tools.
>> crashkernel=X;high is for new kexec-tools that support loading high.
>> If the user want to use ,high but still with old kexec-tools, that is
>> not going to work.
>> Can we just keep it separated?
> Kernel does not know about old kexec-tools or new kexec-tools. Neither
> kernel can enforce what command line options are passed by user. So
> kernel needs to define a clean interface here which is easily understood
> and is extensible also in future.

Looks you are chasing wrong direction.

Those four patches fixes the regression that Wang and you reported,
User don't need to change their kexec-tools and boot command lines
kdump still works.

We will never can stop user doing crazy thing with their system.

> [..]
>> >
>> > If user wants 128M in low memory, they will just specify
>> > crashkernel=128M;low
>> in the kernel-parameter.txt, already says ;low is need to used with ;high.
> But why are we tying ;low to ;high. One should be easily extend
> crashkernel=X to be able to reserve memory above 4G if specified amount
> is not available below 4G. In that case also one might want to reserve
> some low memory?

I want to keep crashkernel=X to the old behavior.

If you want to have crashkernel=X to allocate high above 4G, old kexec-tools
will not work with new kernel.

> For that matter crashkernel=range1:size,range2:size syntax should be
> extendible too to reserve memory above 4G if desired size of memory
> is not available in low memory.
> Now in those cases too, one would like to have 72M of low memory
> reserved. So ;low shoud not be tied to ;high necessarily.
> In fact current code does not care whetehr ;high was specified or not.
> If memory is reserved above 4G, ;low code will kick in.

No, that is not right.

only when ;high is specified, kernel will try to allocate high above 4G.

>> >
>> > If they want to control multiple ranges of memory, then that's the feature
>> > we currently don't support. Currently we support only reserving one range
>> > of memory.
>> >
>> > If you want to support multiple ranges of memory,then do it properly.
>> > Parse all crashkernel= options, prepare a list of memory to be reserved
>> > and unreserved, resolve all the conflicts between various options and
>> > then reserve the memory. But that does not seem to be a requirement at
>> > this point of time.
>> No we does not support multiple ranges, as it will need more changes
>> in kexec-tools.
>> Can we stop here with those four patches?
>> Later, we can extend it if it is really needed.
> crashkernel= options are already confusing. I think we with this patchset
> we will just make them even more confusing and future extensions
> difficult.

So keep crashkernel= without high and low to old behavior.

> We really need to stick to the notion of only one crashkernel= option
> is accepted and that is last one on command line. And if need be,
> we need to work on multi range reservation feature where we process
> and reserve ranges as specified by all crashkernel= parameters on
> command line.

That is kept.

and only last high is honored

> Creating new combinations where some crashkernel= are preferred over
> others and some crashkernel= options work with only selected crashkernel=
> options, is asking for trouble, especially keeping in mind future
> extensions.

I don't think so.

old conf that works before still use crashkernel= with high and low.
old conf that does not work, could switch to crashkernel=;high/low
with new kexec-tools

> I prefer following for 3.9.
> - process only right most crashkernel= option.

what is "right most" ?
only last crashkernel=X is honored?
I restored that already with those four patches.

> - implement crashkernel_no_auto_low option to opt out of auto reserved
>   low memory

No, that is ugly.

> - implement crashkernel=X;high to support high memory reservations.
> And now old kexec-tools user can use crashkernel=X while users needing
> high memory reservation can use crashkernel=X;high.

The four patches did not do that?

> If you really want to support user defined crashkernel=X;low along with
> crashkernel=Y;high, that is really a multi range reservation feature and
> need to be implemented properly instead of coming up with short cuts.

No it is not.

It's *you* want me to change "Crash kernel low" to "Crash kernel".

Do we need to drop second patch? So will still keep
"Crash kernel low" in /proc/iomem?


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