Jonathan Morton wrote:

> I'm using an Abit KT7 board (KT133) and my new 1GHz T'bird (running 50-60°C
> in a warm room) is giving me no trouble.  This is with the board and RAM
> pushed as fast as it will go without actually overclocking anything...  and
> yes, I do have Athlon/K7 optimisations turned on in my kernel (2.4.3).

  I wonder if the KT133A (which is what the IWILL KK266 is based on)
a could be a source of the problem.  My FSB is at plain old 100 MHz
since I
have regular PC100 SDRAM.  Overclocked, or not, I get the same results. 
too, had an ABIT KA7[-RAID] and it was rock solid.  So much for "if it's
not broke, don't fix it" -- I should have listened to my gf, but that's
the life of an upgrader ;)...  In general the IWILL got great reviews at
number of reliable hardware review sites, and hey, it doesn't lock up in
windows ;) (ok don't flame me for that ;)).

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