Alexander Viro wrote:
> On Tue, 15 May 2001, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
> > According to Linus Torvalds:
> > > I don't see why we couldn't expose the "driver name" for any file
> > > descriptor.
> >
> > Is it wise to assume that there is only one such name for *any* file
> > descriptor?
> Type of filesystem where the file came from? Sure.

I think this is the wrong question.  A device can inherently belong to
multiple device classes, and it really should be thought of as such.  For
example a disk may belong, at the same time, to the "scsi", "disk" and
"scsi-disk" device classes, meaning that it supports the union of the
"scsi" common interfaces, "disk" common interfaces, and "scsi-disk"
common interfaces.


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