I have been trying to get 2.4.x to boot on my machine for sometime. I
finally got ac9 to boot today but I had to change the Processor Opts
from Athlon/K7/etc to PII/Celeron. I am running on an Iwill KK266 board
with a duron 800, 384 megs of RAM, SB Live X-Gamer, Adaptec 2910 and
2940UW, tnt2, and linksys Etherfast 10/100 nic. I run Debian sid. I
have been running 2.2.19 for sometime with no troubles. 2.4.x with k7
opts always would opps out while runing rcS scripts and never would get
past single user.
More info available upon request
Wayne "bigguy" Johnson

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