On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Tejun Heo <t...@kernel.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 05:06:02PM -0700, Tim Hockin wrote:
>> The first assertion, as I understood, was that (eventually) cgroupfs
>> will not allow split hierarchies - that unified hierarchy would be the
>> only mode.  Is that not the case?
> No, unified hierarchy would be an optional thing for quite a while.
>> The second assertion, as I understood, was that (eventually) cgroupfs
>> would not support granting access to some cgroup control files to
>> users (through chown/chmod).  Is that not the case?
> Again, it'll be an opt-in thing.  The hierarchy controller would be
> able to notice that and issue warnings if it wants to.
>> Hmm, so what exactly is changing then?  If, as you say here, the
>> existing interfaces will keep working - what is changing?
> New interface is being added and new features will be added only for
> the new interface.  The old one will eventually be deprecated and
> removed, but that *years* away.

OK, then what I don't know is what is the new interface?  A new cgroupfs?

>> As I said, it's controlled delegated access.  And we have some patches
>> that we carry to prevent some of these DoS situations.
> I don't know.  You can probably hack around some of the most serious
> problems but the whole thing isn't built for proper delgation and
> that's not the direction the upstream kernel is headed at the moment.
>> I actually can not speak to the details of the default IO problem, as
>> it happened before I really got involved.  But just think through it.
>> If one half of the split has 5 processes running and the other half
>> has 200, the processes in the 200 set each get FAR less spindle time
>> than those in the 5 set.  That is NOT the semantic we need.  We're
>> trying to offer ~equal access for users of the non-DTF class of jobs.
>> This is not the tail doing the wagging.  This is your assertion that
>> something should work, when it just doesn't.  We have two, totally
>> orthogonal classes of applications on two totally disjoint sets of
>> resources.  Conjoining them is the wrong answer.
> As I've said multiple times, there sure are things that you cannot
> achieve without orthogonal multiple hierarchies, but given the options
> we have at hands, compromising inside a unified hierarchy seems like
> the best trade-off.  Please take a step back from the immediate detail
> and think of the general hierarchical organization of workloads.  If
> DTF / non-DTF is a fundamental part of your workload classfication,
> that should go above.

DTF and CPU and cpuset all have "default" groups for some tasks (and
not others) in our world today.  DTF actually has default, prio, and
"normal".  I was simplifying before.  I really wish it were as simple
as you think it is.  But if it were, do you think I'd still be

> I don't really understand your example anyway because you can classify
> by DTF / non-DTF first and then just propagate cpuset settings along.
> You won't lose anything that way, right?

This really doesn't scale when I have thousands of jobs running.
Being able to disable at some levels on some controllers probably
helps some, but I can't say for sure without knowing the new interface

> Again, in general, you might not be able to achieve *exactly* what
> you've been doing, but, an acceptable compromise should be possible
> and not doing so leads to complete mess.

We tried it in unified hierarchy.  We had our Top People on the
problem.  The best we could get was bad enough that we embarked on a
LITERAL 2 year transition to make it better.

>> > But I don't follow the conclusion here.  For short term workaround,
>> > sure, but having that dictate the whole architecture decision seems
>> > completely backwards to me.
>> My point is that the orthogonality of resources is intrinsic.  Letting
>> "it's hard to make it work" dictate the architecture is what's
>> backwards.
> No, it's not "it's hard to make it work".  It's more "it's
> fundamentally broken".  You can't identify a resource to be belonging
> to a cgroup independent of who's looking at the resource.

What if you could ensure that for a given TID (or PID if required) in
dir X of controller C, all of the other TIDs in that cgroup were in
the same group, but maybe not the same sub-path, under every
controller?  This gives you what it sounds like you wanted elsewhere -
a container abstraction.

In other words, define a container as a set of cgroups, one under each
each active controller type.  A TID enters the container atomically,
joining all of the cgroups or none of the cgroups.

container C1 = { /cgroup/cpu/foo, /cgroup/memory/bar,
/cgroup/io/default/foo/bar, /cgroup/cpuset/

This is an abstraction that we maintain in userspace (more or less)
and we do actually have headaches from split hierarchies here
(handling partial failures, non-atomic joins, etc)

>> I'm not sure what "differing level of granularities" means?  But that
> It means that you'll be able to ignore subtrees depending on
> controllers.

I'm still a bit fuzzy - is all of this written somewhere?

>> aside, who have you spoken to here?  On our internal discussions I
>> have not heard a SINGLE member of our prod-kernel team nor our cluster
>> management team who think this is a good idea.  Not one.
> Some of memcg and blkcg people in infra kernel team.

Well, if anyone there feels like we should be moving in this
direction, I hope they will come and talk to me and enlighten me.

>> I still don't really get what the hellish mess is, and why it can't be
>> solved another way.  Your statement of "unified hierarchy isn't gonna
>> break them" is patently false, though.  If we did this it would a)
>> cause a large amount of work to happen and b) cause a major regression
>> for our users.
> No, what I meant was that unified hierarchy won't break the multiple
> hierarchy support immediately.

I did not realize you were building a parallel <thing>.  This at least
makes me believe I have time to adapt better (or have our teams hack
some more), if I can't bring you to your senses.

>> I'm trying to understand your root problem so that I can try to find
>> other solutions.  "Just do what I say" is not a great way to defend
>> your position in the face of evidence to the contrary.  I'm presenting
>> you real life cases of situations that simply do not work, neither
>> philosophically nor in practice, and you continue to assert that it's
>> fine.  It's not fine.
> I wrote about that many times, but here are two of the problems.
> * There's no way to designate a cgroup to a resource, because cgroup
>   is only defined by the combination of who's looking at it for which
>   controller.  That's how you end up with tagging the same resource
>   multiple times for different controllers and even then it's broken
>   as when you move resources from one cgroup to another, you can't
>   tell what to do with other tags.
>   While allowing obscene level of flexibility, multiple hierarchies
>   destroy a very fundamental concept that it *should* provide - that
>   of a resource container.  It can't because a "cgroup" is undefined
>   under multiple hierarchies.

It sounds like you're missing a layer of abstraction.  Why not add the
abstraction you want to expose on top of powerful primitives, instead
of dumbing down the primitives?

> * The level of flexibility makes it very difficult to scope the common
>   usage models.  It's a problem for both the kernel and userland.  The
>   kernel has to be prepared to cope with anything - e.g. with unified
>   hierarchy, we can assume things like either all tasks in a cgroup
>   are frozen or not, with multiple, any combination is possible - and
>   the userland is generally lost on what to do and has been in a
>   complete disarray, and it's not really userland's fault because
>   enforcing any rule would mean hindering some crazy setup that
>   someone is using.
> cgroup as it currently stands invites pretty insane usages which we
> can't back out of later on.  Well, it's already painful to back out
> but the sooner the better.  And all that for what?  Allowing exotic
> specialized configurations which in all likelihood will be served
> acceptably with unified hierarchy anyway?

Again, not served acceptably.  Saying it over and over does not make
it true.  Please believe me when I say that I understand how hard it
is to back out of overly-flexible APIs that are hard to support.

But it seems vastly better to define a next-gen API that retains the
important flexibility but adds structure where it was lacking

>> Somewhere I picked up the notion that you were talking about making
>> these changes in O(1.5 years).  Perhaps I got that wrong.  what *is*
>> the timeframe?  At what point will everything we depend on today no
>> longer be supported?
> I'm making the changes as soon as possible.  There of course are two
> steps involved here - implementing the new thing and then removing the
> old thing.  Implementing the new thing is gonna happen, hopefully, in
> a year's timeframe.  The latter.  I don't know for sure but probably
> over five years.
>> OK.  So please shed some light?  Will split-hierarchies continue to
>> work for the indefinite future?  Or will they be disabled at some
>> point?  Or will they become so crippled or bit-rotted that they are
>> effectively removed, without having to actually say that?
> It's gonna be properly maintained but new features in general will
> only be implemented for the unified hierarchy.  In time, hopefully,
> the difference in capabilities between the new and old interfaces
> combined with other efforts will drive users towards the new
> interface.  After the old interface's usage has sufficiently dwindled,
> it will be deprecated.
> Thanks.
> --
> tejun
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