I found to my dismay that it's extremely easy to crash 2.4.4 if
it has a Live! in it. I have no way of getting at the oops, but
somebody out there probably has both this soundcard and a serial
console (or somethin').
I present it in the form of a script, but you'll probably have
no problem realizing where the problem is. The number of
"writers" never gets past 64. I guess the 65th should probably
get the same as the 2nd writer does on other cards...

As usual, let me know if this is useless without the lspci
--more-magic thing.



setup () {
        dd bs=1M count=10 </dev/urandom >/tmp/noise 2> /dev/null

noise () {
        cat /tmp/noise > /dev/dsp &

while (noise); do
        i=$(( $i+1 ))
        echo $i

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