Jes Sorensen wrote:

> Telling them to install an updated gcc for kernel compilation
> is a necessary evil, which can easily be done without disturbing the
> rest of the system. Updating the system's python installation is not a
> reasonable request.

Au contraire.  It is very reasonable to have both python and python2
installed.  Having two different gcc versions installed is a big pain
in the arse.

> So far I haven't heard a single
> developer say something positive about CML2, the most positive I have
> heard so far has been "whatever", "it's his choice", "I don't care",
> "I want to hack". The majority are of the "NO!" and "you got to be
> kiddin'".

Anonymized hearsay evidence is less than convincing.

> Let's just say you didn't exactly give peoiple a good impression with
> the trolling around on how everybody had to change their option names 
> and how important it was for the world.

Decidedly bad form to criticize someone for a bug (in this case,
a design bug) that's already been fixed.  If that behavior starts,
who shall escape hanging?

> I do not have Python2 installed and I do not plan to, if you
> change CML2 to use a reasonable programming language I might give it a
> try.

Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

John Cowan, _novus homo_ (Latin for "upstart")

There is / one art             || John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
no more / no less              ||
to do / all things             ||
with art- / lessness           \\ -- Piet Hein

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