On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 06:34:16PM -0300, Harald Welte wrote:
> On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 09:52:41AM +0200, Fabbione wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >     sorry for the offtopic msg.
> > 
> > Can someone point me to a 4 ports fast/eth card solution for linux?

> D-Link DFE-570 has a reasonable pricing and is well supported by the 
> tulip driver

        Just got three of these suckers and I'm about to order a bunch
more (happy camper)...

> > I found some cards based on the DEC 21*4* chips but when
> > I asked for more details I got a strange answer from the reseller
> > like that this card is able to work only half-duplex and the chip has
> > only one mac-address for the 4 eth cards (really strange).

> nah. And even if so, you can always change the mac-address using ifconfig.

        Each D-Link card has four MAC addresses (sequential).  I doubt
other manufactures are any different.

> What the guy most likely wanted to say, is that there is only one EEprom
> containing all mac adresses for the four tulip chips, which I have seen
> on multiple boards

        What the guy was doing was having a bad case of optical rectitus.
That would be typical of a "reseller" (AKA Salesman).  Most would not
even have a CLUE that the cards were based on the tulip chipset / driver.

        Because the D-Link cards were less than half of the nearest
competitor [ < $180 vs > $360 for others and Compac was > $2400! ] I
ordered only three not knowing for sure if they would work.  Turned on
the tulip driver and them suckers fired right up.  Now I know they work,
stock, right out of the box, and I can order a bunch more for the lab
I'm working with.

> > Thanks a lot
> > Fabbione
> -- 
> Live long and prosper
> - Harald Welte / [EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://www.gnumonks.org/

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