On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Sean Hunter wrote:

> A working VM would have several differences from what we have in my
> opinion, among which are:
>         - It wouldn't require 8GB of swap on my large boxes
>         - It wouldn't suffer from the "bounce buffer" bug on my
>           large boxes
>         - It wouldn't cause the disk drive on my laptop to be
>           _constantly_ in use even when all I have done is spawned a
>           shell session and have no large apps or daemons running.
>         - It wouldn't kill things saying it was OOM unless it was OOM.

I fully agree these problems need to be fixed. I just wish I
had the time to tackle all of them right now ;)

We should be close to getting the 3rd problem fixed and the
deadlock problem with the bounce buffers seems to be fixed

Getting reclaiming of swap space and OOM fixed is a matter
of time ... I hope I'll have that time in the near future.


Virtual memory is like a game you can't win;
However, without VM there's truly nothing to lose...

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