
Please CC: replies to me, since I am not subscribed.

>>         http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/63909.html

> The "resistance to scanning" seemed interesting, maybe one-time
> activities like a "find" run or big cat/dd will have less impact with
> this.

Exactly. But not only that.

I have made some experimental tests. When you have totally random access
to data, you get degradation to LRU performance (but no worse). However,
when doing normal work, results are quite encouraging. Speedup percentage
is computed assuming processing in-memory buffer takes x and loading
on-disk buffer takes 100x time:

#blocks buffers P       hitLRU  hit2Q   2Q+     speedup
262400  16384   8       19.29%  24.89%  29%     7.365%
262400  16384   4       11.56%  14.23%  23%     3.084%
1024K   16384   32      16.90%  22.82%  35%     7.573%
1024K   16384   16      9.00%   11.94%  33%     3.305%
1024K   16384   8       4.94%   6.38%   29%     1.515%
4096K   16384   64      8.40%   11.39%  36%     3.339%
4096K   16384   32      4.32%   5.79%   34%     1.536%

I used reasonable figures for filesystem size (1G, 4G and 16G) and buffer
cache (64MB), with blocksize 4K. All simulations used 10% for A1in and 25%
for A1out queues. Almost all simulations show over 30% better hit rate as
LRU, translating to ~3% real time speedup for normal workload. Speedup for
scanning type workload (find, cat large file, etc.) should be even better
- write access pattern generator and try it :-)

Constant P determines "randomness" of accesses as follows:

int x = random() % (NR * LEVEL);
for (int i = LEVEL - 1; i > 0; --i)
        if (x >= NR * i) x = (x - NR * i) / (i + 1);

where x is generated block # to be accessed, LEVEL is P and NR is # of
disk blocks.

I attach a crude program to simulate LRU, 2Q and FIFO buffer management
policies. If you want, you can play with parameters a little bit and
simulate other workloads (e.g., record what's going on in the system and
then simulate real system block accesses).

I would like to hear from you if you have some interesting results.

Ivan Schreter
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>

int ops = 0, hit_lru = 0, hit_2q = 0, hit_fifo = 0;

#define BUFS    16384   // # of buffer entries in memory
#define NR      262400  // # of DB buffers
#define LEVEL   8       // max. test level (1=total random)

//#define       USE_FASTAGE

#define BUFSA1IN        (BUFS/10)
#define BUFSA1OUT       (BUFS/4)

typedef struct {

        int     next;
        int     prev;
        int     id;
        int     age;

} lru_entry;

lru_entry       lru[BUFS];
int             lru_idx[NR];
int             lru_free = 0, lru_head = 0, lru_tail = 0;

void lru_page(int x)
        if (lru_idx[x] >= 0) {

                // move to beginning of the buffer
                x = lru_idx[x];
                if (x == lru_head) return;

                lru[lru[x].prev].next = lru[x].next;
                if (x == lru_tail) {
                        lru_tail = lru[x].prev;
                } else {
                        lru[lru[x].next].prev = lru[x].prev;
                lru[x].prev = -1;
                lru[x].next = lru_head;
                lru[lru_head].prev = x;
                lru_head = x;


        if (lru_free == -1) {

                // remove one from tail
                lru[lru_tail].next = lru_free;
                lru[lru_tail = lru[lru_free = lru_tail].prev].next = -1;
                lru_idx[lru[lru_free].id] = -1;

        // add to head
        int r = lru_free;
        lru_free = lru[r].next;

        lru[r].prev = -1;
        lru[r].next = lru_head;
        lru[r].id = x;
        lru[lru_head].prev = r;
        if (lru_head < 0) lru_tail = r;
        lru_head = r;

        lru_idx[x] = r;

lru_entry       r2q[BUFS];
int             r2q_a1out[BUFSA1OUT];
int             r2q_idx[NR];
int             r2q_free = 0, r2q_head = -1, r2q_tail = -1;
int             r2q_a1i_head = -1, r2q_a1i_tail = -1, r2q_a1i_cnt = 0;
int             r2q_a1o_head = 0, r2q_a1o_tail = 0, r2q_age = 0;

#define R2Q_MASK        0xffffff
#define R2Q_FLG_MASK    0xff000000
#define R2Q_A1I_FLG     0x1000000
#define R2Q_A1O_FLG     0x2000000
#define R2Q_AM_FLG      0x4000000

void r2q_reclaim()
        // free one page

        if (r2q_a1i_cnt > BUFSA1IN) {

                // remove last page from A1in and put to A1out

                int r = r2q_a1i_tail;
#if 0
if (r < 0) {
        printf("Reclaim err: %d - %d\n", r2q_a1i_tail, r2q_a1i_head);
                r2q_a1i_tail = r2q[r].prev;
                r2q[r2q_a1i_tail].next = -1;
//printf("Del2 %d, cnt = %d\n", r, r2q_a1i_cnt);

                int x = r2q[r].id;
                r2q[r].next = r2q_free;
                r2q_free = r;

                r2q_idx[x] = R2Q_MASK | R2Q_A1O_FLG;

//if (x >= NR || x < 0) printf("set at %d = %d (@%d), head %d\n",
//      r2q_a1o_tail, x, r, r2q_a1o_head);
                r2q_a1out[r2q_a1o_tail++] = x;
                if (r2q_a1o_tail == BUFSA1OUT) r2q_a1o_tail = 0;
                if (r2q_a1o_tail == r2q_a1o_head) {

                        // overflow, remove from buf

                        int d = r2q_a1out[r2q_a1o_head++];
                        if (r2q_a1o_head == BUFSA1OUT) r2q_a1o_head = 0;

                        // unmark in index
                        r2q_idx[d] &= ~R2Q_A1O_FLG;

        // remove from tail of Am, do not put in A1out (it was least recently
        // used, so no point in keeping it)

        int x = r2q[r2q_tail].id;
        int r = r2q_tail;
        r2q_idx[x] = R2Q_MASK;
        r2q_tail = r2q[r].prev;
        r2q[r2q_tail].next = -1;
        r2q[r].next = r2q_free;
        r2q_free = r;

void r2q_page(int x)
        int r = r2q_idx[x] & R2Q_MASK, rm = r2q_idx[x] & R2Q_FLG_MASK;

        if (rm & R2Q_AM_FLG) {

                // already in buffer

                // in LRU buffer, move to first
                if (r == r2q_head) return;

                r2q[r2q[r].prev].next = r2q[r].next;
                if (r == r2q_tail) {
                        r2q_tail = r2q[r].prev;
                } else {
                        r2q[r2q[r].next].prev = r2q[r].prev;
                r2q[r].prev = -1;
                r2q[r].next = r2q_head;
                r2q[r2q_head].prev = r;
                r2q_head = r;


        } else if (rm & R2Q_A1O_FLG) {

                // was in A1out, put to head of Am

                if (rm & R2Q_A1I_FLG) {

                        // remove from A1in (already in memory)

                        if (r == r2q_a1i_head) {
                                r2q_a1i_head = r2q[r].next;
                                if (r2q_a1i_cnt) r2q[r2q_a1i_head].prev = -1;
                        } else if (r == r2q_a1i_tail) {
                                r2q_a1i_tail = r2q[r].prev;
                                r2q[r2q_a1i_tail].next = -1;
                        } else {
                                // in the middle
                                r2q[r2q[r].next].prev = r2q[r].prev;
                                r2q[r2q[r].prev].next = r2q[r].next;
//printf("Del %d, cnt = %d\n", r, r2q_a1i_cnt);

                } else {

                        // not yet in memory
                        if (r2q_free < 0) r2q_reclaim();

                        r = r2q_free;
                        r2q_free = r2q[r].next;
                        r2q[r].id = x;

                        r2q_idx[x] = r;

                // add to head of Am
                r2q[r].prev = -1;
                r2q[r].next = r2q_head;
                if (r2q_head < 0) r2q_tail = r;
                else r2q[r2q_head].prev = r;
                r2q_head = r;

                // must check out flag, may be changed by reclaim
                r2q_idx[x] = r | R2Q_AM_FLG | (r2q_idx[x] & R2Q_A1O_FLG);


        } else if (rm & R2Q_A1I_FLG) {

                // do nothing - is in memory in A1in queue


#warning Using FastAge

                // mark into R2Q_A1O when in last 25% or so...
                int age = r2q_age - r2q[r].age;

                // age cannot be significantly more than r2q_cnt, normally is
                // less

                if ((r2q_a1i_cnt - age) < (r2q_a1i_cnt << 2)) {
                        // is in last 25% of its life, put to out pages
                        r2q_idx[x] |= R2Q_A1O_FLG;

                        r2q_a1out[r2q_a1o_tail++] = x;
                        if (r2q_a1o_tail == BUFSA1OUT) r2q_a1o_tail = 0;
                        if (r2q_a1o_tail == r2q_a1o_head) {

                                // overflow, remove from buf

                                int d = r2q_a1out[r2q_a1o_head++];
                                if (r2q_a1o_head == BUFSA1OUT) r2q_a1o_head = 0;

                                // unmark in index
                                r2q_idx[d] &= ~R2Q_A1O_FLG;


        } else {

                // is in no queue, load & add to head of A1in
                if (r2q_free < 0) r2q_reclaim();

                r = r2q_free;
                r2q_free = r2q[r].next;
                r2q[r].id = x;
                r2q[r].age = r2q_age++;
                r2q[r].next = r2q_a1i_head;
                r2q[r].prev = -1;
                if (!r2q_a1i_cnt) {
                        // first item, set also tail
                        r2q_a1i_tail = r;
                } else {
                        r2q[r2q_a1i_head].prev = r;
                r2q_a1i_head = r;
//printf("Add %d, cnt = %d\n", r, r2q_a1i_cnt);
//if (r == 0 && r2q_a1i_cnt > 1) raise(SIGSTOP);

                r2q_idx[x] = r | R2Q_A1I_FLG;

int     fifo_idx[NR];
int     fifo[BUFS];
int     fifo_head = 0, fifo_tail = 0;

void fifo_page(int x)
        if (fifo_idx[x] >= 0) {

        fifo_idx[x] = fifo_head;
        fifo[fifo_head++] = x;
        if (fifo_head == BUFS) fifo_head = 0;
        if (fifo_head == fifo_tail) {
                fifo_idx[fifo[fifo_tail++]] = -1;
                if (fifo_tail == BUFS) fifo_tail = 0;

int main()
        memset(lru_idx, -1, sizeof(lru_idx));
        memset(fifo_idx, -1, sizeof(fifo_idx));
        for (int i = 0; i < NR; ++i) r2q_idx[i] = R2Q_MASK;

        for (int i = 0; i < BUFS - 1; ++i) {
                lru[i].next = i + 1;
                r2q[i].next = i + 1;
        lru[BUFS-1].next = -1;
        r2q[BUFS-1].next = -1;

        time_t tm = time(NULL);
        for (;;) {
                int x = random() % (NR * LEVEL);
                for (int i = LEVEL - 1; i > 0; --i)
                        if (x >= NR * i) x = (x - NR * i) / (i + 1);

                time_t cur_tm = time(NULL);
                if (cur_tm != tm) {

                        int lru_ptime = (ops + 99 * (ops - hit_lru)) / 1000;
                        int r2q_ptime = (ops + 99 * (ops - hit_2q)) / 1000;

                        printf("Ops: %d, LRU: %d %.2f%%, 2Q: %d %.2f%%, "
                                "FIFO: %d %.2f%%, 2Q/LRU %.2f\n"
                                "LRU ptime: %d, 2Q ptime: %d, "
                                "ratio 2Q/LRU: %.3f%% +%.3f%%\n",
                                ops / 1000, hit_lru / 1000,
                                hit_lru * 100.0 / ops,
                                hit_2q / 1000, hit_2q * 100.0 / ops,
                                hit_fifo / 1000, hit_fifo * 100.0 / ops,
                                hit_2q * 1.0 / hit_lru,
                                lru_ptime, r2q_ptime,
                                r2q_ptime * 100.0 / lru_ptime,
                                lru_ptime * 100.0 / r2q_ptime - 100.0);
                        tm = cur_tm;
        return 0;

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