At 4:02 PM +0100 2001-06-26, Alan Cox wrote:
>  > > There is a saying in he UK 'You can fool all of the people some of the
>>  > time, you can fool some of the people all the time, but you 
>>cannot fool all
>>  > of the people all of the time'.
>>  Didn't Abraham Lincoln say that?  :)
>Indeed in 1864.

Perhaps, perhaps not.

>What Zall did with the plethora of Lincoln anecdotes--include and 
>evaluate the apparently authentic, delete the seemingly 
>apocryphal--other historians are doing with collections of his 
>words. Their task is daunting: No American is more quoted--or 
>misquoted--than Lincoln. Their work also is important: The image of 
>Lincoln, the historical as well as the mythical, has been shaped to 
>an uncommon degree by statements that other people put in his mouth, 
>often to suit their own purposes.
>Stanford's Don Fehrenbacher and his wife, Virginia, spent 12 years 
>compiling the Recollected Words of Abraham Lincoln (Stanford 
>University Press, 1996, $60), a collection of 1,900 quotations 
>attributed to Lincoln by more than 500 of his contemporaries. The 
>scholars rated the authenticity of quotations with letter grades: A 
>for a direct quote the listener wrote down soon after hearing it; B 
>for a quickly recorded indirect quote; C for quotes reported weeks, 
>months, or years later; D for one "about whose authenticity there is 
>more than average doubt"; E for those "probably not authentic."
>No fooling. One now familiar line the Fehrenbachers examined was far 
>from familiar to 19th-century America: "You can fool all the people 
>some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you 
>can't fool all the people all of the time." The saying apparently 
>first emerged in print in 1901 in Lincoln's Yarns and Stories; the 
>book identified the person who allegedly heard Lincoln as "a caller 
>at the White House." Years later, two old-timers claimed they had 
>heard Lincoln say it in an 1856 address in Illinois, but a news 
>account of the speech didn't mention it. The Fehrenbachers give the 
>old-timers' recollections a D. The evidence, the scholars say, 
>"suggests that this is a case of reminiscence echoing folklore or 

/Jonathan Lundell.
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