I should have known that you (instructor of the current and previous
maintainer) would have the answer off the top ;-)
Therefore by your description it mys be set always but I guess it is a
DGD; however, I do want to know that it is now.

Oh, and now that Big Drive Technology has been annouced I should finally
send you the code for 48-bit, sorry about the delay.


Andre Hedrick
ASL Kernel Development
Linux ATA Development
ASL, Inc.                                     Toll free: 1-877-ASL-3535
1757 Houret Court                             Fax: 1-408-941-2071
Milpitas, CA 95035                            Web: www.aslab.com

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>     Andre Hedrick wrote:
>     > That is a legacy bit from ATA-2 but it is one of those things you cannot
>     > get rid of :-(
>     in ANSI X3.279-1996, "AT Attachment Interface with Extensions (ATA-2)",
>     Approved September 11, 1996 , control register bit 3-7 are reserved.
>     However ANSI X3.221-1994, "AT Attachment Interface for Disk Drives",
>     Approved May 12, 1994, bit3 is "1" and bits 4-7 are "x".
>     No further explanation.
>     How far back must we go, to get the sense ?
>     >   struct {
>     >           unsigned bit0           : 1;
>     >           unsigned nIEN           : 1;    /* device INTRQ to host */
>     >           unsigned SRST           : 1;    /* host soft reset bit */
>     >           unsigned bit3           : 1;    /* ATA-2 thingy */
>     >           unsigned reserved456    : 3;
>     >           unsigned HOB            : 1;    /* 48-bit address ordering */
>     >   } control_t;
>     > 
>     > once I add-in the real def of bit3 then I will not
>     > need to look it up again.
> bit3: 0: drive has 1-8 heads
>       1: drive has more than 8 heads
> (From old MFM/RLL times. In ATA-1 bit3 is set to 1.
> See also
>       http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hdtypes/hdtypes-2.html
> .)
> Andries

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