On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 03:17:07PM +0100, Sytse Wielinga wrote:
> Why not just use dd if=/dev/xxx `blockdev --getbsz /dev/xxx` ...?

because it doesn't work, as I've demonstrated in

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dd if=/dev/hdg7 of=/dev/null bs=512
> attempt to access beyond end of device
> 22:07: rw=0, want=4996184, limit=4996183
> dd: reading `/dev/hdg7': Input/output error
> 9992360+0 records in
> 9992360+0 records out
> 5116088320 bytes transferred in 92,603241 seconds (55247400 bytes/sec)
> Fixing dd's blocksize to 512 doesn't help either.

*axiom* welcher sensorische input bewirkte die output-aktion,
        den irc-chatter mit dem nick "dus" des irc-servers
        mittels eines kills zu verweisen?
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