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> On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:50:23 EST, John Richard Moser said:
>>Arjan van de Ven wrote:
>>>>Split-out portions of PaX (and of ES) don't make sense.  
>>>they do. Somewhat. 
>>They do to "break all existing exploits" until someone takes 5 minutes
>>to make a slight alteration.  Only the reciprocating combinations of
>>each protection can protect the others from being exploited and create a
>>truly secure environment.
> OK, for those who tuned in late to the telecast of "Kernel Development Process
> for Newbies":
> It *DOES NOT MATTER* that PaX and ES "don't make sense" split out into 5 or
> 6 pieces.  We merge in stuff *ALL THE TIME* in 20 or 30 chunks, where it
> doesn't make any real sense unless all 20 or 30 go in.  Just today, there was
> a 29-patch monster replacing kexec, and another 12-patcher replacing something
> else.  And I don't think anybody claims that many of those 29 patches stand
> totally by themselves. You install 25 of them, you probably don't have a 
> working
> kexec, which is the goal of the patch series.
> The point is that *each* of those 29 patches is small and self-contained 
> enough
> to review for breakage of current stuff, elegance of coding, and so on.  Now
> let's look at grsecurity:
> % wc grsecurity-2.1.0-2.6.10-200501071049.patch 
>  23539  89686 700414 grsecurity-2.1.0-2.6.10-200501071049.patch
> 700K. In one patch. If PAX is available for 2.6.10 by itself, it certainly
> hasn't been posted to http://pax.grsecurity.net - that's still showing a 2.6.7
> patch.  But even there, that's a single monolithic 280K patch.  That's never
> going to get merged, simply because *nobody* can review a single patch that 
> big.

PaX is available for 2.6.10, but it's in the testing phase.  I've had
good results.

> Now look at http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/arjan/execshield/.
> 4 separate hunks, the biggest is under 7K.  Other chunks of similar size
> for non-exec stack and NX support are already merged.
> And why were they merged?  Because they showed up in 4-8K chunks.

so you want 90-200 split out patches for GrSecurity?

>>Split-out portions of PaX (and of ES) don't make sense.  ASLR can be
>>evaded pretty easily:  inject code, read %efp, find the GOT, read
>>addresses.  The NX protections can be evaded by using ret2libc.  on x86,
>>you need emulation to make an NX bit or the NX protections are useless.
>>So every part prevents every other part from being pushed gently aside.
> Right.  But if you *submit* them as "a chunk to add x86 emulation of an NX
> bit", "a chunk to add ASLR", "a chunk to add NX", "a chunk to do FOO with the
> vsyscall page", and so on, they might actually have a snowball's chance of
> being included.
> If nothing else, the fact they're posted as different patches means each can 
> be
> used as the anchor for a thread discussing the merits of *that* patch.  Adrian
> Bunk has been submitting patches for the last several weeks which probably
> total *well* over the size of the PAX patch.  And since they show up as
> separate patches, the non-controversial ones can sail by, the ALSA crew can
> comment when he hits an ALSA module, the filesystem people can comment when he
> hits one of their files, and so on.

ok ok ok.  I get the point:  I'm the only person in the world who can
swallow a twinkie whole, the rest of you need to chew.

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