Jack O'Quin wrote:

Neither run exhibits reliable audio performance. There is some low latency performance problem with your system. Maybe ReiserFS is causing trouble even with logging turned off. Perhaps the problem is somewhere else. Maybe some device is misbehaving.

Until you solve this problem, beware of drawing conclusions.

The idea is to get equivalent performance to SCHED_FIFO. The results show that much, and it is 100 times better than unprivileged SCHED_NORMAL. The fact that this is an unoptimised normal desktop environment means that the conclusion we _can_ draw is that SCHED_ISO is as good as SCHED_FIFO for audio on the average desktop. I need someone with optimised hardware setup to see if it's as good as SCHED_FIFO in the critical setup.

I'm actually not an audio person and have no need for such a setup, but I can see how linux would benefit from such support... ;)


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