I think I've hit a wierd lockup in the forcedeth (Nvidia onboard lan
chipset) driver on 2.6.9-gentoo-r9. When the failure occurs the
network just dies with loads of:

NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
nv_stop_tx: TransmitterStatus remained busy<7>eth0: tx_timeout: dead entries!

Rebooting doesn't solve the problem although the driver will sit there
and accumulate a load of IRQ's achieving nothing:

eth0: nv_nic_irq
eth0: irq: 00000020
eth0: irq: 00000000
eth0: nv_nic_irq completed

Even shutting down and "powering off" doesn't clear the condition.
However if you remove the power from the box and wait a bit and
restart it comes back too life. I'm 50/50 on if this is failing
hardware or just that without physically removing power the chip
doesn't get fully reset. I have copious diagnostic traces since I #if
1'd the dprintk but before I flood lkml with traces.

* Has anyone else seen this problem?

* Could it be a reset problem?

* Should you be able to fully reset the chip with ethtool/mii-tool?

Please cc me as I'm no longer subscribed to the email torrent that is
lkml :-)


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