Using -fprofile-values is one case that will cause the memory allocation
problem. More changes are needed to fully support -fprofile-values. I
submit this patch first because I think it is obvious and does no harm.
> I'm unaware of any user of -fprofile-values in the kernel. Are you
> trying to extend gcov-kernel to also support -fprofile-values? I would
> expect that additional changes to the .gcda file creation logic are
> required to fully support this GCC 
> option.N�����r��y����b�X��ǧv�^�)޺{.n�+����{����zX����ܨ}���Ơz�&j:+v�������zZ+��+zf���h���~����i���z��w���?�����&�)ߢf��^jǫy�m��@A�a���
> 0��h���i

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