Please have a short look at the following BUG report + the comments -- this message here is a kind of FWD-ing it:

I came late to test kernel 3.13 with the .5 one, as it was the time that the related -CK/BFS patch became available.

I'm not using Archlinux, but openSUSE, and my problems are quite the same. Especially these with smelling melting plastics.

My own reports went to Con Kolivas' Blog first:
"I get weird temperatures and abrupt 100% fan actions with vanilla 3.13.5 with this CK and most recent BFQ at my HP Notebook. In gkrellm the highest T had been @74°C, so far (3.12.13), and is now growing to 94°C. Then, the fan goes to 100% for 10~30secs cooling it to approx. 82°C.
That is not good, if I compare 74 to 94 °C.
Have I missed a .CONFIG option for 3.13, especially?"

I'd get the same without (Con's && BFQ's) patches.

Machine:           HP Notebook with Core2Duo CPU (Penryn)
Distro:            openSUSE 13.1, 64bit, continuously updated
Desktop:           KDE 4.12.3
MESA & drm & Xorg: most recent ones from:

Current kernel:    3.13.6 vanilla from openSUSE repos, with
                   -ck1 and BFQ patches
Same behaviour:    without these patches

Last good kernel:  3.12.13 vanilla + CK2 + BFQ

Please, _always_CC_me_ -- as I'm not on the linux-kernel / linux-pm mailing lists.

And please, if you know any person in charge of this -- lead this message to him/her.

Thank you in advance and best regards,
Manuel Krause

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