Stefan Seyfried wrote:
aurelien francillon wrote:

since just before linux-2.6.11-rc3  ( i think it's rc2-bk10 ) there
seems to have a bug in the acpi part of the proc file system :
reading /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info  takes a very long time and locks
up the computer, time gives:
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info  0.00s user 6.76s system 12030% cpu
0.056 total
I notice it because kde reads it every 10seconds ... so the compuer gets
locked for ~5s every ~10s ...

computer is a dell D600 laptop,

I have seen the same on a D600 and an Compaq Armada E500, not 6 seconds
but ~1.2 seconds. Try to put a


at the end of include/acpi/acpi.h (before the last #endif), this sort of
fixed it for me (now it again needs ~0.2 seconds, still way too long,
but the same as with the last good 2.6.11-rc2-bk9).

Good luck :-)

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that's "fixed" it for me too,

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