
        I suspect the most of the folks on LKML are sick and tired of
this particular thread.  Could you (and Larry) please take this
off-line, please?  Everyone who has an opinion on this matter is not
likely to change their minds, so continued rehashing of old arguments
is just noise IMHO.

        Me, I'm very happy using BitKeeper and am glad that Larry and
his team of merry men have graciously provided that tool for us to
use.  In other situations I use quilt, when it is the right tool for
the job, and I am grateful to Andrew and Andreas and all those who
have provided that tool.  Other times I have played with svn because
that was what a project leader decided to use, and so thanks to the
svn developers....  and as far as CVS is concerned, I suppose I'll
grudgingly have to give thanks to them too, being pioneers of
distributed SCM --- but these days, I'm glad I rarely have to use 
CVS.  :-)

        I don't know how many years it was before people decided to
give up on the emacs vs. vi wars, but can we please put a more hasty
end to the bk license flamewars?  Many thanks,

                                                - Ted
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