On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 12:22:39AM +0100, Roman Zippel wrote:
> > You know, you could change all this.  Instead of complaining that we
> > are somehow hurting you, which virtually 100% of the readers know is
> > nonsense, you could be producing an alternative answer which is better.
> Another smoke bomb. You already made it clear, that even if I did that, I 
> couldn't import the kernel history into it anyway. 

Sure you can.  You can get every patch from bkbits.net.  You can write a
program which imports them.  You can figure out a graph structure which
allows all the imports reject free.

Your complaint is that BK has already figured out one such graph that
has those characteristics and you know that it would be easier if we
told you what that is.  Yes, I know that to be true, it would be easier
for you.  However, we're long past the pretense that this is so you can
do your kernel engineering, we all know that this is so you can work on
a clone of BK, whoops, a much better SCM system.  

No business will survive if they give away their advantage to their
competitors, which is what you are asking us to do.  Even if I wanted
to do it I have a board that would promptly fire me if I did.

OK, that's it for me, I have to go work on slides for a talk so have the
big fun, I'm signing off on this thread.

Larry McVoy                lm at bitmover.com           http://www.bitkeeper.com
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