On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 10:56:02AM -0800, none given wrote:
> On Fri, February 11, 2005 11:18 am, Larry McVoy said:
> >The mails have started flowing in saying "I don't agree with Alexandre
> >and please don't pull the plug" so a point of clarification.  We have
> >no intention of shutting down the BK free product.  We are aware that
> >there are 10's of thousands of developers in the open source world
> >who do not agree with Alexandre's narrow view of things.  You're fine,
> >we're not taking BK away.  I only trying to get Alexandre to see that
> >his definition of "help" is somewhat narrow-minded.
> >
> Then why don't you stop threatening to take it away every time someone 
> points out to you that your "help" for free software isn't ideal?   Just 
> can't help yourself?  Your cheap shot at Alexandre doesn't change the fact 
> that you've shown yet again why people who believe in free software should 
> work to replace BK.

Maybe because I'm a little sick and tired of all the "BK is evil" crap
without any accompanying "thank your all the good it's done"?  

If every time someone sent you a bug report on your open source software
it started with "this software sucks, and you're a pinko anti-capitalist
commy" how long would it be before you stopped giving it away?  Don't
bother to answer that, I know you are perfect and that you'd keep doing
it any way because yours is The One True Way (tm).  
Larry McVoy                lm at bitmover.com           http://www.bitkeeper.com
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